[stark] adj [ME, stiff, strong, fr. OE stearc; akin to OHG starc strong, Lith starinti to stiffen--more at stare] (bef. 12c) 1 a: rigid in or as if in death b: rigidly conforming (as to a pattern or doctrine): absolute "~ discipline"
2. archaic: strong, robust
3: utter, sheer "~ nonsense"
4. a: barren, desolate b (1): having few or no ornaments: bare "a ~ white room" (2): harsh, blunt "the ~ realities of death"
5: sharply delineated "a ~ contrast" -- stark.ly adv -- stark.ness n
[2]stark adv (13c) 1: in a stark manner
2: to an absolute or complete degree: wholly "~ naked" "~ mad"