[stool] n [ME, fr. OE stol; akin to OHG stuol chair, OCS stolu seat, throne] (bef. 12c) 1 a: a seat usu. without back or arms supported by three or four legs or by a central pedestal b: a low bench or portable support for the feet or knees: footstool
2: a seat used as a symbol of office or authority; also: the rank, dignity, office, or rule of a chieftain 3 a: a seat used while defecating or urinating b: a discharge of fecal matter
4. a: a stump or group of stumps of a tree esp. when producing suckers b: a plant crown from which shoots grow out c: a shoot or growth from a stool
5: stool pigeon
[2]stool vi (1770): to throw out shoots in the manner of a stool