Meaning of STOUT in English

[stout] adj [ME, fr. MF estout, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG stolz proud; perh. akin to OHG stelza stilt--more at stilt] (14c) 1: strong of character: as a: brave, bold b: firm, determined; also: obstinate, uncompromising

2: physically or materially strong: a: sturdy, vigorous b: staunch, enduring c: sturdily constructed: substantial

3: forceful "a ~ attack"; also: violent "a ~ wind"

4: bulky in body: fat syn see strong -- stout.ish adj -- adv -- stout.ness n

[2]stout n (1677) 1: a very dark full-bodied ale with a distinctive malty flavor

2. a: a fat person b: a clothing size designed for the large figure

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