[strait] adj [ME, fr. OF estreit, fr. L strictus strait, strict, fr. pp. of stringere] (13c) 1 archaic: strict, rigorous
2. archaic a: narrow b: limited in space or time c: closely fitting: constricted, tight 3 a: causing distress: difficult b: limited as to means or resources -- strait.ly adv -- strait.ness n
[2]strait adv (13c) obs: in a close or tight manner [3]strait n (14c) 1 a archaic: a narrow space or passage b: a comparatively narrow passageway connecting two large bodies of water--often used in pl. but sing. in constr. c: isthmus
2: a situation of perplexity or distress--often used in pl. "in dire ~s" syn see juncture