[stum.ble] vb stum.bled ; stum.bling [ME, prob. of Scand origin; akin to Norw dial. stumle to stumble; akin to ON stemma to hinder--more at stem] vi (14c) 1 a: to fall into sin or waywardness b: to make an error: blunder c: to come to an obstacle to belief
2: to trip in walking or running 3 a: to walk unsteadily or clumsily b: to speak or act in a hesitant or faltering manner
4. a: to come unexpectedly or by chance "~ onto the truth" b: to fall or move carelessly ~ vt 1: to cause to stumble: trip
2: bewilder, confound -- stum.bler n -- stum.bling.ly adv
[2]stumble n (1547): an act or instance of stumbling