[sway] n (14c) 1: the action or an instance of swaying or of being swayed: an oscillating, fluctuating, or sweeping motion
2: an inclination or deflection caused by or as if by swaying 3 a: a controlling influence b: sovereign power: dominion c: the ability to exercise influence or authority: dominance syn see power
[2]sway vb [alter. of earlier swey to fall, swoon, fr. ME sweyen, prob. of Scand origin; akin to ON sveigja to sway; akin to Lith svaigti to become dizzy] vi (ca. 1500) 1 a: to swing slowly and rhythmically back and forth from a base or pivot b: to move gently from an upright to a leaning position
2: to hold sway: act as ruler or governor
3: to fluctuate or veer between one point, position, or opinion and another ~ vt 1 a: to cause to sway: set to swinging, rocking, or oscillating b: to cause to bend downward to one side c: to cause to turn aside: deflect, divert
2. archaic a: wie ld b: govern, rule 3 a: to cause to vacillate b: to exert a guiding or controlling influence on
4: to hoist in place "~ up a mast" syn see swing, affect -- sway.er n