[symp.tom.atol.o.gy] n (1798) 1: the symptom complex of a disease
2: a branch of medical science concerned with symptoms of diseases -- symp.tom.at.o.log.i.cal or symp.tom.at.o.log.ic adj -- symp.tom.at.o.log.i.cal.ly adv
[symp.tom.atol.o.gy] n (1798) 1: the symptom complex of a disease
2: a branch of medical science concerned with symptoms of diseases -- symp.tom.at.o.log.i.cal or symp.tom.at.o.log.ic adj -- symp.tom.at.o.log.i.cal.ly adv
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012