Meaning of TEACH in English

[teach] vb taught ; teach.ing [ME techen to show, instruct, fr. OE taecan; akin to OE tacn sign--more at token] vt (bef. 12c) 1 a: to cause to know something "taught them a trade" b: to cause to know how "is ~ing me to drive" c: to accustom to some action or attitude "~ students to think for themselves" d: to cause to know the disagreeable consequences of some action "I'll ~ you to come home late"

2: to guide the studies of

3: to impart the knowledge of "~ algebra"

4. a: to instruct by precept, example, or experience b: to make known and accepted "experience ~es us our limitations"

5: to conduct instruction regularly in "~ school" ~ vi: to provide instruction: act as a teacher usage see learn syn teach, instruct, educate, train, discipline, school mean to cause to acquire knowledge or skill. teach applies to any manner of imparting information or skill so that others may learn "taught us a lot about our planet". instruct suggests methodical or formal teaching "instructs raw recruits in military drill". educate implies development of the mind "more things than formal schooling serve to educate a person". train stresses instruction and drill with a specific end in view "trained foreign pilots to operate the new aircraft". discipline implies training in habits of order and precision "a disciplined mind". school implies training or disciplining esp. in what is hard to master "schooled the horse in five gaits".

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