Meaning of THIRD in English

[third] adj [ME thridde, thirde, fr. OE thridda, thirdda; akin to L tertius third, Gk tritos, treis three--more at three] (bef. 12c) 1 a: being next after the second in place or time "the ~ taxi in line" b: ranking next after the second of a grade or degree in authority or precedence "~ mate" c: being the forward speed or gear next higher than second esp. in a motor vehicle

2. a: being one of three equal parts into which something is divisible b: being the last in each group of three in a series "take out every ~ card" -- third or adv

[2]third n (14c) 1: one of three equal parts of something

2. a: one that is number three in a countable series b: one that is next after second in rank, position, authority, or precedence "the ~ in line" 3 a: the musical interval embracing three diatonic degrees b: a tone at this interval; specif: mediant c: the harmonic combination of two tones a third apart

4. pl: merchandise whose quality falls below the manufacturer's standard for seconds

5: third base

6: the third forward gear or speed esp. of a motor vehicle

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