Meaning of TRANSPOSE in English

[trans.pose] vt trans.posed ; [ME, fr. MF transposer, fr. L transponere (perf. indic. transposui) to change the position of, fr. trans- + ponere to put, place--more at position] (14c) 1: to change in form or nature: transform

2: to render into another language, style, or manner of expression: translate

3: to transfer from one place or period to another: shift

4: to change the relative place or normal order of: alter the sequence of "~ letters to change the spelling"

5: to write or perform (a musical composition) in a different key

6: to bring (a term) from one side of an algebraic equation to the other with change of sign syn see reverse -- adj

[2]trans.pose n (1937): a matrix formed from another matrix by interchanging the rows and columns

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