Meaning of TRILL in English

[trill] vb [ME, prob. of Scand origin; akin to Sw trilla to roll; akin to MD trillen to vibrate] vi (14c) 1: to flow in a small stream or in drops: trickle

2: twirl, revolve ~ vt: to cause to flow in a small stream

[2]trill n [It trillo prob. of imit. origin] (1649) 1 a: the alternation of two musical tones a diatonic second apart--called also shake b: vibrato c: a rapid reiteration of the same tone esp. on a percussion instrument

2: a sound resembling a musical trill: warble 3 a: the rapid vibration of one speech organ against another (as of the tip of the tongue against the teethridge) b: a speech sound made by a trill [3]trill vi (ca. 1667): to play or sing with a trill: quaver ~ vt: to utter as or with or as if with a trill "~ the r" -- n

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