Meaning of TROPIC in English

[trop.ic] n [ME tropik, fr. L tropicus of the solstice, fr. Gk tropikos, fr. trope turn] (1527) 1: either of the two parallels of terrestrial latitude at a distance of about 23 1/2 degrees north or south of the equator where the sun is directly overhead when it reaches its most northerly or southerly point in the sky--compare tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn

2. pl, often cap: the region lying between the tropics

[2]tropic adj (1551): of, relating to, or occurring in the tropics: tropical [3]tro.pic adj [trop-] (1903) 1: of, relating to, or characteristic of tropism or of a tropism

2. of a hormone: influencing the activity of a specified gland

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