Meaning of UNNERVE in English

[un.nerve] vt (1601) 1: to deprive of courage, strength, or steadiness

2: to cause to become nervous: upset -- un.nerv.ing.ly adv syn unnerve, enervate, unman, emasculate mean to deprive of strength or vigor and the capacity for effective action. unnerve implies marked often temporary loss of courage, self-control, or power to act "unnerved by the near collision". enervate suggests a gradual physical or moral weakening (as through luxury or indolence) until one is too feeble to make an effort "a nation's youth enervated by affluence and leisure". unman implies a loss of manly vigor, fortitude, or spirit "a soldier unmanned by the terrors of battle". emasculate stresses a depriving of characteristic force by removing something essential "an amendment that emasculates existing safeguards".

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