Meaning of USHER in English

[] n [ME ussher, fr. MF ussier, fr. (assumed) VL ustiarius doorkeeper, fr. L ostium, ustium door, mouth of a river--more at ostium] (14c) 1 a: an officer or servant who has the care of the door of a court, hall, or chamber b: an officer who walks before a person of rank c: one who escorts persons to their seats (as in a theater)

2. archaic: an assistant teacher

[2]usher vb ush.ered ; vt (1596) 1: to conduct to a place

2: to precede as an usher, forerunner, or harbinger

3: to cause to enter: introduce "a new theory ~ed into the world" ~ vi: to serve as an usher "~ at a wedding"

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