[vain] adj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L vanus empty, vain--more at wane] (14c) 1: having no real value: idle, worthless
2: marked by futility or ineffectualness: unsuccessful, useless "~ efforts to escape" 3 archaic: foolish, silly
4: having or showing undue or excessive pride in one's appearance or achievements: conceited syn see futile -- vain.ly adv -- vain.ness n -- in vain 1: to no end: without success or result
2: in an irreverent or blasphemous manner "you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain --Deut 5:11 (RSV)" syn vain, nugatory, otiose, idle, empty, hollow mean being without worth or significance. vain implies either absolute or relative absence of value "vain promises". nugatory suggests triviality or insignificance "a monarch with nugatory powers". otiose suggests that something serves no purpose and is either an encumbrance or a superfluity "a film without a single otiose scene". idle suggests being incapable of worthwhile use or effect "idle speculations". empty and hollow suggest a deceiving lack of real substance or soundness or genuineness "an empty attempt at reconciliation" "a hollow victory".