Meaning of VAMP in English

[vamp] vb [

[2]vamp] vt (1599) 1 a: to provide (a shoe) with a new vamp b: to piece (something old) with a new part: patch "~ up old sermons"

2: invent, fabricate "~ up an excuse" ~ vi: to play a musical vamp -- n

[2]vamp n [ME vampe sock, fr. OF avantpie, fr. avant- fore- + pie foot, fr. L ped-, pes--more at vanguard, foot] (1654) 1: the part of a shoe upper or boot upper covering esp. the forepart of the foot and sometimes also extending forward over the toe or backward to the back seam of the upper

2. [[1]vamp]: a short introductory musical passage often repeated several times (as in vaudeville) before a solo or between verses [3]vamp n [short for vampire] (ca. 1911): a woman who uses her charm or wiles to seduce and exploit men -- vamp.ish adj [4]vamp vt (ca. 1915): to practice seductive wiles on

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