Meaning of VOLT in English

[volt] n [F volte, fr. It volta turn, fr. voltare to turn, fr. (assumed) VL volvitare, freq. of L volvere to roll--more at voluble] (1688) 1: a leaping movement in fencing to avoid a thrust

2. a: a tread or gait in which a horse going sideways makes a turn around a center b: a circle traced by a horse in this movement

[2]volt n [Alessandro Volta] (1873): the practical meter-kilogram-second unit of electrical potential difference and electromotive force equal to the difference of potential between two points in a conducting wire carrying a constant cur rent of one ampere when the power dissipated between these two points is equal to one watt and equivalent to the potential difference across a resistance of one ohm when one ampere is flowing through it

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