Meaning of WAIST in English

[waist] n [ME wast; akin to OE waestm growth, weaxan to grow--more at wax] (14c) 1 a: the narrowed part of the body between the thorax and hips b: the greatly constricted basal part of the abdomen of some insects (as wasps and flies)

2: the part of something corresponding to or resembling the human waist: as a (1): the part of a ship's deck between the poop and forecastle (2): the middle part of a sailing ship between foremast and main mast b: the middle section of the fuselage of an airplane

3: a garment or the part of a garment covering the body from the neck to the waistline or just below: a: bodice 1 b: blouse

4: waistline 1b -- waist.ed adj

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