[war.ble] n [ME werble tune, fr. ONF, of Gmc origin; akin to MHG wirbel whirl, tuning peg, OHG wirbil whirlwind--more at whirl] (14c) 1: a melodious succession of low pleasing sounds
2: a musical trill
3: the action of warbling
[2]warble vb war.bled ; war.bling vi (15c) 1: to sing in a trilling manner or with many turns and variations
2: to become sounded with trills, quavers, and rapid modulations in pitch
3: sing ~ vt: to render with turns, runs, or rapid modulations: trill [3]warble n [perh. of Scand origin; akin to obs. Sw varbulde boil, fr. var pus + bulde swelling] (ca. 1585) 1: a swelling under the hide esp. of the back of cattle, horses, and wild mammals caused by the maggot of a botfly or warble fly
2: the maggot of a warble fly -- war.bled adj