[war.lock] n [ME warloghe, fr. OE waerloga one that breaks faith, the Devil, fr. waer faith, troth + -loga (fr. leogan to lie); akin to OE waer true--more at very, lie] (14c) 1: a man practicing the black arts: sorcerer--compare witch
2: conjurer
[war.lock] n [ME warloghe, fr. OE waerloga one that breaks faith, the Devil, fr. waer faith, troth + -loga (fr. leogan to lie); akin to OE waer true--more at very, lie] (14c) 1: a man practicing the black arts: sorcerer--compare witch
2: conjurer
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012