[wink] vb [ME, fr. OE wincian; akin to OHG winchan to stagger, wink and perh. to L vacillare to sway, Skt vancati he goes crookedly] vi (bef. 12c) 1: to shut one eye briefly as a signal or in teasing
2: to close and open the eyelids quickly
3: to avoid seeing or noting something--usu. used with at
4: to gleam or flash intermittently: twinkle
5. a: to come to an end--usu. used with out b: to stop shining--usu. used with out
6: to signal a message with a light ~ vt 1: to cause to open and shut
2: to affect or influence by or as if by blinking the eyes
[2]wink n (14c) 1: a brief period of sleep: nap
2. a: a hint or sign given by winking b: an act of winking
3: the time of a wink: instant "quick as a ~"
4: a flicker of the eyelids: blink