Meaning of WOBBLE in English

[wob.ble] vb wob.bled ; wob.bling [prob. fr. LG wabbeln; akin to OE waefre restless--more at waver] vi (1657) 1 a: to move or proceed with an irregular rocking or staggering motion or unsteadily and clumsily from side to side b: tremble, quaver

2: waver, vacillate ~ vt: to cause to wobble -- wob.bler n -- wob.bli.ness n -- wob.bly adj

[2]wobble n (1699) 1 a: a hobbling or rocking unequal motion (as of a wheel unevenly mounted) b: an uncertainly directed movement

2: an intermittent variation (as in volume of sound)

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