Meaning of WORK OUT in English

[work out] vt (1534) 1 a: to bring about by labor and exertion "work out your own salvation --Phil 2:12 (AV)" b: to solve (as a problem) by a process of reasoning or calculation c: to devise, arrange, or achieve by resolving difficulties "after many years of wrangling, worked out a definite agreement --A. A. Butkus" d: develop "the final situation is not worked out with psychological profundity --Leslie Rees"

2: to discharge (as a debt) by labor

3: to exhaust (as a mine) by working ~ vi 1 a: to prove effective, practicable, or suitable "how this will actually work out I don't know --Milton Kotler" b: to amount to a total or calculated figure--used with at or to

2: to engage in a workout "works out in gymnasiums ... to keep in shape --Current Biog."

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