[wrack] n [ME wrak, fr. MD or MLG; akin to OE wraec something driven by the sea] (14c) 1 a: a wrecked ship b: wreckage c: wreck d dial: the violent destruction of a structure, machine, or vehicle
2. a: marine vegetation; esp: kelp b: dried seaweeds
[2]wrack n [ME, fr. OE wraec misery, punishment, something driven by the sea; akin to OE wrecan to drive, punish--more at wreak] (15c) 1: ruin, destruction
2: a remnant of something destroyed [3]wrack vt (1562): to utterly ruin: wreck [4]wrack vb [by alter.] (ca. 1555): [4]rack [5]wrack n (1591): [3]rack
2. [6]wrack n (1796): [1]rack