Meaning of WRIGGLE in English

[wrig.gle] vb wrig.gled ; wrig.gling [ME, fr. or akin to MLG wriggeln to wriggle; akin to OE wrigian to turn--more at wry] vi (15c) 1: to move the body or a bodily part to and fro with short writhing motions like a worm: squirm

2: to move or advance by twisting and turning

3: to extricate or insinuate oneself or reach a goal as if by wriggling ~ vt 1: to cause to move in short quick contortions

2: to introduce, insinuate, or bring into a state or place by or as if by wriggling -- wrig.gly adj

[2]wriggle n (1709) 1: a short or quick writhing motion or contortion

2: a formation or marking of sinuous design

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