Meaning of ARCTIC in English

I. ˈärk-tik, ˈär-tik adjective

Etymology: Middle English artik, from Latin arcticus, from Greek arktikos, from arktos bear, Ursa Major, north; akin to Latin ursus bear, Sanskrit ṛkṣa

Date: 14th century

1. often capitalized : of, or relating to, or suitable for use at the north pole or the region near it

arctic waters

arctic animals

arctic clothing


a. : bitter cold : frigid

arctic air

b. : cold in temper or mood

an arctic smile

• arc·ti·cal·ly -ti-k(ə-)lē adverb

II. ˈär-tik, ˈärk-tik noun

Date: 1867

: a rubber overshoe reaching to the ankle or above

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