transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈas-ˌpekt ]
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin aspectus, from aspicere to look at, from ad- + specere to look — more at spy
Date: 14th century
a. : the position of planets or stars with respect to one another held by astrologers to influence human affairs ; also : the apparent position (as conjunction) of a body in the solar system with respect to the sun
b. : a position facing a particular direction : exposure
the house has a southern aspect
c. : the manner of presentation of a plane to a fluid through which it is moving or to a current
(1) : appearance to the eye or mind
(2) : a particular appearance of countenance : mien
b. : a particular status or phase in which something appears or may be regarded
studied every aspect of the question
3. archaic : an act of looking : gaze
a. : the nature of the action of a verb as to its beginning, duration, completion, or repetition and without reference to its position in time
b. : a set of inflected verb forms that indicate aspect
• as·pec·tu·al a-ˈspek-chə(-wə)l, -chü(-ə)l adjective