transcription, транскрипция: [ ə-ˈtest ]
Etymology: Middle French attester, from Latin attestari, from ad- + testis witness — more at testament
Date: circa 1500
transitive verb
a. : to affirm to be true or genuine ; specifically : to authenticate by signing as a witness
b. : to authenticate officially
2. : to establish or verify the usage of
3. : to be proof of : manifest
her record attest s her integrity
4. : to put on oath
intransitive verb
: to bear witness : testify
attest to a belief
Synonyms: see certify
• at·tes·ta·tion ˌa-ˌtes-ˈtā-shən, ˌa-tə-ˈstā- noun
• at·test·er ə-ˈtes-tər noun