transcription, транскрипция: [ ȯ-ˈstir also ]
-ˈster adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin austerus, from Greek austēros harsh, severe; akin to Greek hauos dry — more at sere
Date: 14th century
a. : stern and cold in appearance or manner
b. : somber , grave
an austere critic
2. : morally strict : ascetic
3. : markedly simple or unadorned
an austere office
an austere style of writing
4. : giving little or no scope for pleasure
austere diets
5. of a wine : having the flavor of acid or tannin predominant over fruit flavors usually indicating a capacity for aging
Synonyms: see severe
• aus·tere·ly adverb
• aus·tere·ness noun