transcription, транскрипция: [ verb ]
also bap·tise bap-ˈtīz, ˈbap-ˌ, especially Southern bab- or ˈbab-
( bap·tized also bap·tised ; bap·tiz·ing also bap·tis·ing )
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French baptiser, from Late Latin baptizare, from Greek baptizein to dip, baptize, from baptein to dip, dye; akin to Old Norse kvefja to quench
Date: 13th century
transitive verb
1. : to administer baptism to
a. : to purify or cleanse spiritually especially by a purging experience or ordeal
b. : initiate
3. : to give a name to (as at baptism) : christen
intransitive verb
: to administer baptism
• bap·tiz·er noun