I. ˈblēt, Northern also ˈblat, Southern usu ˈblāt verb
Etymology: Middle English bleten, from Old English blǣtan; akin to Latin flēre to weep, Old English bellan to roar — more at bellow
Date: before 12th century
intransitive verb
a. : to make the natural cry of a sheep or goat ; also : to utter a similar sound
b. : whimper
a. : to talk complainingly or with a whine
b. : blather
transitive verb
: to utter in a bleating manner
• bleat·er noun
II. noun
Date: circa 1505
1. : the cry of a sheep or goat ; also : a similar sound
the bleat of a cell phone
2. : a feeble outcry, protest, or complaint