Meaning of BRASH in English

I. ˈbrash adjective

Etymology: origin unknown

Date: 1566

1. : brittle

brash wood


a. : heedless of the consequences : audacious

a brash adventurer

b. : done in haste without regard for consequences : rash

brash acts


a. : full of fresh raw vitality

a brash frontier town

b. : uninhibitedly energetic or demonstrative : bumptious

a brash comedian


a. : lacking restraint and discernment : tactless

brash remarks

b. : aggressively self-assertive : impudent

brash to the point of arrogance

5. : piercingly sharp : harsh

a brash squeal of brakes

6. : marked by vivid contrast : bold

brash colors

• brash·ly adverb

• brash·ness noun

II. noun

Etymology: obsolete English brash to breach a wall

Date: 1787

: a mass of fragments (as of ice)

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