transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈka-nə-ˌnīz ]
transitive verb
( can·on·ized -ˌnīzd; in “Hamlet” usu kə-ˈnä-ˌnīzd ; can·on·iz·ing )
Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin canonizare, from Late Latin canon catalog of saints, from Latin, standard
Date: 14th century
1. : to declare (a deceased person) an officially recognized saint
2. : to make canonical
3. : to sanction by ecclesiastical authority
4. : to attribute authoritative sanction or approval to
5. : to treat as illustrious, preeminent, or sacred
• can·on·i·za·tion ˌka-nə-nə-ˈzā-shən noun