I. ˈse-səl, ˈsi- biographical name
(Edgar Algernon) Robert 1864-1958 1st Viscount Cecil of Chel·wood ˈchel-ˌwu̇d English statesman
II. biographical name
Lord (Edward Christian) David 1902-1986 English biographer
III. biographical name
Robert 1563-1612 1st Earl of Salisbury & 1st Viscount Cran·borne ˈkran-ˌbȯrn English statesman
IV. biographical name
Robert Arthur Talbot Gas·coyne ˈgas-ˌkȯin 1830-1903 3d Marquis of Salis·bury ˈsȯlz-b(ə-)rē, ˈsälz- English statesman
V. biographical name
William 1520-1598 1st Baron Burgh·ley or Bur·leigh ˈbər-lē English statesman