I. ˈkris-chən, ˈkrish- noun
Etymology: Latin christianus, adjective & noun, from Greek christianos, from Christos
Date: 1526
a. : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ
(1) : disciple 2
(2) : a member of one of the Churches of Christ separating from the Disciples of Christ in 1906
(3) : a member of the Christian denomination having part in the union of the United Church of Christ concluded in 1961
2. : the hero in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress
II. adjective
Date: 1547
a. : of or relating to Christianity
Christian scriptures
b. : based on or conforming with Christianity
Christian ethics
a. : of, relating to, or being a Christian
Christian responsibilities
b. : professing Christianity
a Christian affirmation
a Christian country
3. : commendably decent or generous
has a very Christian concern for others
• Chris·tian·ly adjective or adverb