transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈkrō-mə-ˌsfir ]
Date: 1868
: the region of the atmosphere of a star (as the sun) between the star's photosphere and its corona
• chro·mo·spher·ic ˌkrō-mə-ˈsfir-ik, -ˈsfer- adjective
transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈkrō-mə-ˌsfir ]
Date: 1868
: the region of the atmosphere of a star (as the sun) between the star's photosphere and its corona
• chro·mo·spher·ic ˌkrō-mə-ˈsfir-ik, -ˈsfer- adjective
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary. Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster. 2003