I. ˈkäm-ˌbat noun
Etymology: Anglo-French, from combatre to attack, fight, from Vulgar Latin * combattere, from Latin com - + battuere to beat
Date: 1546
1. : a fight or contest between individuals or groups
2. : conflict , controversy
3. : active fighting in a war : action
casualties suffered in combat
II. kəm-ˈbat, ˈkäm-ˌ verb
( -bat·ed or -bat·ted ; -bat·ing or -bat·ting )
Date: 1564
intransitive verb
: to engage in combat : fight
transitive verb
1. : to fight with : battle
2. : to struggle against ; especially : to strive to reduce or eliminate
combat pollution
Synonyms: see oppose
III. ˈkäm-ˌbat adjective
Date: 1825
1. : relating to combat
combat missions
2. : designed or destined for combat
combat boots
combat troops