I. kən-ˈfe-d(ə-)rət adjective
Etymology: Middle English confederat, from Late Latin confoederatus, past participle of confoederare to unite by a league, from Latin com- + foeder-, foedus compact — more at federal
Date: 14th century
1. : united in a league : allied
2. capitalized : of or relating to the Confederate States of America
II. noun
Date: 15th century
1. : ally , accomplice
2. capitalized : an adherent of the Confederate States of America or their cause
III. -ˈfe-də-ˌrāt verb
( -at·ed ; -at·ing )
Date: 1531
transitive verb
: to unite in a confederacy
intransitive verb
: to band together
• con·fed·er·a·tive -ˈfe-d(ə-)rə-tiv, -də-ˌrā- adjective