I. ˈkän-fə-ˌskāt, kən-ˈfis-kət adjective
Etymology: Latin confiscatus, past participle of confiscare to confiscate, from com- + fiscus treasury
Date: circa 1533
1. : appropriated by the government : forfeited
2. : deprived of property by confiscation
II. ˈkän-fə-ˌskāt transitive verb
( -cat·ed ; -cat·ing )
Date: 1552
1. : to seize as forfeited to the public treasury
2. : to seize by or as if by authority
• con·fis·ca·tion ˌkän-fə-ˈskā-shən noun
• con·fis·ca·tor ˈkän-fə-ˌskā-tər noun
• con·fis·ca·to·ry kən-ˈfis-kə-ˌtȯr-ē adjective