Meaning of CONFORM in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ kən-ˈfȯrm ]


Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French conformer, from Latin conformare, from com- + formare to form, from forma form

Date: 14th century

transitive verb

: to give the same shape, outline, or contour to : bring into harmony or accord

conform furrows to the slope of the land

intransitive verb

1. : to be similar or identical ; also : to be in agreement or harmony — used with to or with

changes that conform with our plans


a. : to be obedient or compliant — usually used with to

conform to another's wishes

b. : to act in accordance with prevailing standards or customs

the pressure to conform

Synonyms: see adapt

• con·form·er noun

• con·form·ism -ˈfȯr-ˌmi-zəm noun

• con·form·ist -mist noun or adjective

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.