transcription, транскрипция: [ kən-ˈsīn ]
Etymology: Middle French consigner, from Latin consignare, from com- + signum sign, mark, seal — more at sign
Date: 1528
transitive verb
1. : to give over to another's care
2. : to give, transfer, or deliver into the hands or control of another ; also : to commit especially to a final destination or fate
a writer consign ed to oblivion
3. : to send or address to an agent to be cared for or sold
intransitive verb
obsolete : agree , submit
Synonyms: see commit
• con·sign·able -ˈsī-nə-bəl adjective
• con·sig·na·tion ˌkän-ˌsī-ˈnā-shən, ˌkän(t)-sig- noun
• con·sign·or ˌkän-ˌsī-ˈnȯr, kən- noun