I. kən-ˈtem-pə-ˌrer-ē, -ˌre-rē adjective
Etymology: com- + Latin tempor-, tempus
Date: 1631
1. : happening, existing, living, or coming into being during the same period of time
a. : simultaneous
b. : marked by characteristics of the present period : modern , current
• con·tem·po·rar·i·ly -ˌtem-pə-ˈrer-ə-lē adverb
contemporary , contemporaneous , coeval , synchronous , simultaneous , coincident mean existing or occurring at the same time. contemporary is likely to apply to people and what relates to them
Abraham Lincoln was contemporary with Charles Darwin
contemporaneous is more often applied to events than to people
contemporaneous accounts of the kidnapping
coeval refers usually to periods, ages, eras, eons
two stars thought to be coeval
synchronous implies exact correspondence in time and especially in periodic intervals
synchronous timepieces
simultaneous implies correspondence in a moment of time
the two shots were simultaneous
coincident is applied to events and may be used in order to avoid implication of causal relationship
the end of World War II was coincident with a great vintage year
II. noun
( plural -rar·ies )
Date: 1638
1. : one that is contemporary with another
2. : one of the same or nearly the same age as another