transcription, транскрипция: [ ˌdē-kən-ˈstrəkt ]
transitive verb
Date: 1973
1. : to examine (as a work of literature) using the methods of deconstruction
2. : to take apart or examine in order to reveal the basis or composition of often with the intention of exposing biases, flaws, or inconsistencies
deconstruct the myths of both the left and the right — Wayne Karlin
3. : to adapt or separate the elements of for use in an ironic or radically new way
uses his masterly tailoring skills to deconstruct the classics — Vogue
4. : destroy , demolish
nations that are deconstruct ing themselves — Jim Hoagland
• de·con·struc·tive -tiv adjective
• de·con·struc·tor -tər noun