transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈde-pri-ˌkāt ]
transitive verb
( -cat·ed ; -cat·ing )
Etymology: Latin deprecatus, past participle of deprecari to avert by prayer, from de- + precari to pray — more at pray
Date: 1628
a. archaic : to pray against (as an evil)
b. : to seek to avert
deprecate the wrath…of the Roman people — Tobias Smollett
2. : to express disapproval of
a. : play down : make little of
speaks five languages…but deprecate s this facility — Time
b. : belittle , disparage
the most reluctantly admired and least easily deprecated of…novelists — New Yorker
• dep·re·cat·ing·ly -ˌkā-tiŋ-lē adverb
• dep·re·ca·tion ˌde-pri-ˈkā-shən noun