Meaning of DETOXIFY in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ (ˌ)dē-ˈtäk-sə-ˌfī ]

transitive verb

( -fied ; -fy·ing )

Date: circa 1905


a. : to remove a harmful substance (as a poison or toxin) or the effect of such from

b. : to render (a harmful substance) harmless

2. : to free (as a drug user or an alcoholic) from an intoxicating or an addictive substance in the body or from dependence on or addiction to such a substance

3. : neutralize 2

• de·tox·i·fi·ca·tion (ˌ)dē-ˌtäk-sə-fə-ˈkā-shən noun

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.