transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈdä-mə-ˌnāt ]
( -nat·ed ; -nat·ing )
Etymology: Latin dominatus, past participle of dominari, from dominus master; akin to Latin domus house — more at dome
Date: 1611
transitive verb
1. : rule , control
an empire that dominated the world
2. : to exert the supreme determining or guiding influence on
the ambition that has dominated his life
3. : to overlook from a superior elevation or command because of superior height or position
a hill that dominate s the town
a. : to be predominant in
sugar maples dominate the forest
b. : to have a commanding or preeminent place or position in
name brands dominate the market
intransitive verb
1. : to have or exert mastery, control, or preeminence
2. : to occupy a more elevated or superior position
• dom·i·na·tive -ˌnā-tiv adjective
• dom·i·na·tor -ˌnā-tər noun