Meaning of DOTTY in English

I. ˈdä-tē adjective

( dot·ti·er ; -est )

Etymology: alteration of Scots dottle fool, from Middle English dotel, from doten

Date: 15th century


a. : mentally unbalanced : crazy

b. : amiably eccentric

a dotty old relative

2. : being obsessed or infatuated

dotty fans

3. : amusingly absurd : ridiculous

dotty traditions

• dot·ti·ly ˈdä-t ə l-ē adverb

• dot·ti·ness ˈdä-tē-nəs noun

II. adjective

Date: 1812

: composed of or marked by dots

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.