transcription, транскрипция: [ i-ˈrās, Brit ]
-ˈrāz verb
( erased ; eras·ing )
Etymology: Latin erasus, past participle of eradere, from e- + radere to scratch, scrape — more at rodent
Date: 1605
transitive verb
a. : to rub or scrape out (as written, painted, or engraved letters)
erase an error
b. : to remove written or drawn marks from
erase a blackboard
c. : to remove (recorded matter) from a magnetic medium ; also : to remove recorded matter from
erase a videotape
d. : to delete from a computer storage device
erase a file
a. : to remove from existence or memory as if by erasing
b. : to nullify the effect or force of
intransitive verb
: to yield to erasure
• eras·abil·i·ty -ˌrā-sə-ˈbi-lə-tē noun
• eras·able -ˈrā-sə-bəl adjective