transcription, транскрипция: [ i-ˈvād, ē- ]
( evad·ed ; evad·ing )
Etymology: Middle French & Latin; Middle French evader, from Latin evadere, from e- + vadere to go, walk — more at wade
Date: 1513
intransitive verb
1. : to slip away
2. : to take refuge in escape or avoidance
transitive verb
1. : to elude by dexterity or stratagem
a. : to avoid facing up to
evaded the real issues
b. : to avoid the performance of : dodge , circumvent ; especially : to fail to pay (taxes)
c. : to avoid answering directly : turn aside
3. : to be elusive to : baffle
the simple, personal meaning evaded them — C. D. Lewis
Synonyms: see escape
• evad·able -ˈvā-də-bəl adjective
• evad·er noun