I. ig-ˈzas-pə-ˌrāt transitive verb
( -at·ed ; -at·ing )
Etymology: Latin exasperatus, past participle of exasperare, from ex- + asper rough — more at asperity
Date: 1534
a. : to excite the anger of : enrage
b. : to cause irritation or annoyance to
2. obsolete : to make more grievous : aggravate
Synonyms: see irritate
• ex·as·per·at·ed·ly adverb
• ex·as·per·at·ing·ly -ˌrā-tiŋ-lē adverb
II. -p(ə-)rət adjective
Date: 1541
1. : irritated or annoyed especially to the point of injudicious action : exasperated
2. : roughened with irregular prickles or elevations
exasperate seed coats